Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I did it all for the glory.

The title is inspired by both Kanye West and the reading I just finished. So I guess its a two fold thought process, neither is at first readily related to one another, but I believe there is an intrinsic relationship between the two.

The more you listen to the radio the worse it tends to get, but every once in awhile some artist comes out with a song that seems to speak on an entirely different level than maybe they themselves are even aware of. There are bands, like the Fray, that are Christian bands playing "pop" music and you can tell that their music is absolutely a ministry to so many of their fans. For those who believe, we find strength in recognizing the power of their words and insinuations; for those that do not yet believe, they find themselves singing along to a song that challenges the traditional societal thought, that talks about meeting Christ or experiencing Him.

Maybe the most in your face version is Kanye West, oddly enough in a rap culture with songs like Jesus Walks and Touch The Sky, there is major discussions of God and church and its importance. I just think its so cool the way that God can put those words into the mouths of people who may even refuse to believe in him, but they sit in their room and sing "Jesus walks, God show me the way because the devil is trying to break me down"

Isaiah 43:7 says "everyone who is named as mine, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made." I love that second part. "Whom I created for my glory." I'm challenged tonight to think about how my life would change if I were to live every moment believingthat God has not only created me, but done so for His glory. That his intention for my life is that He would receive glory. Rather than pressure, I think it instills a confidence that He knows that he will receive the glory from just my existence.

The kicker, I think, is that it doesn't jsut say that He created Christians for His glory. Its written completely open-ended-ly (thats a new word). As such, even those people who we dislike, or feel embarassed to be associated with, or are on the radio no matter what their faith have been created by the same God who created us and were created with the same intention and are already participating in a form of worship by just existing. Everyone's mere existence is a form of worship by pointing to an all powerful creator and giving him the glory. Though their lips may never speak it, just as the stones cannot be silenced, neither can their souls. And perhaps, God is really allowing them to partake in worship through pop music.

There is nothing and no one that God can't use to bring glory to Himself. How can we actively allow Him to use us? And how do we make sure that we live our lives with confidence, knowing that we're already giving glory to God by living and breathing? What can that inspire us to do?

You guys rock,

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