Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Take a road trip

For my internship this summer I have to take a couple trips down to the city before it starts so that I can have different tests run to ensure that I'm healthy enough to be in an OR for the entire summer.

I left for the first of these trips yesterday afternoon and my mom decided to tag along for the ride. We stayed the night in Connecticut with her brother and then made our way into the city today just so I could pee in a cup and then head out (ridiculous).

Anyway, I was amazed by how the time my mom and I spent together effected her. I felt like we hadn't really been able to spend that much high quality time together. We were constantly on the move- either driving, running between trains or subways, or hauling across Harlem. Once we made it back to Syracuse, I dropped her off at home and was leaving to go back to my apartment when she had me get out of the car and welled up with emotion. She hugged me, really hugged me, and I realized how much just spending time together meant to her.

Throughout my car ride back to the apartment I couldn't help but think that that is what our lives and ministries are all about: spending time with people. It is such a simple concept but we so often forget it or just push it down on our priority list. I was reminded of the prodigal son and how the father seems to long to just spend time with his son.

Our friends/family long to spend time with us. They long for it not because we're the most amazing people, but because they can sense Christ within us. The greatest gift we can give to people is ourselves and our time, and in turn, Christ.

Who are you spending your time with?
Are you there or does your mind simply wander and not focus on the person/task at hand?
How can we invest time in others if we don't invest it in ourselves? Or in our relationship with Christ?

1 comment:

  1. Lindsay,
    I will definitely be praying for you, your grandmother, your family, and your grandfather in his last days, that he might go in peace to be with God. While I cannot say I understand how your grandmother or father feel during this time, I know that God knows their hearts and their needs and that He will bring them peace and understanding according to His plan, so I will pray for that! If there is anything you need or if you want to talk, I am a phone call away!! Miss you already love!
